Friday, June 6, 2008

i have difficulty getting them to buy me a laptop. i want a small one which costs about $798, i'm even saving money for them... a normal one costs around $1000+ so a $798 is not that bad after all about 20% off... sometimes i wish i can go back to be a baby so i won't get so frustrated about the way of getting all those electronic gadgets like laptops and handphones. he just don't know that i don't need so much money for myself. i'm 17, for goodness sake! NOT HE THOUGHT TO BE 17 MONTHS! idiot. whenever we talked about money matters or his family matters, we will eventually end up quarrelling. waht's the problem with him? he don't understand that i need money as much as he does! how i wish i can get my sponsorship now so i will have money to buy myself a laptop. envious of khai who has his own money to buy one for himself. i don't have pocket money from him even!

can anyone just teach me how to save money??

i say this first, i don't have extra money to save it to my piggy bank. for example, my mum gives me $10 one day then i must use it within 2-3 days. so i will have $10 for 2-3 days when i go to school. but if i don't go to school, i will not have any money from them.

please leave your message at the tag board. thanks.. :)

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