Monday, December 29, 2008
-i finished my FON essay
-i can have my afternoon nap after coming back from the meeting
-today is the 3rd last day of 2008
2 more days and it will be goodbye 2008, hello 2009.
so fast.
and we are getting older and older by the day. ^0^
okay, lets have a review of my 2008.
i will make it short because im lazy to type so much. (:
1)january- my job in Pan Pacific Hotel, PAE in Millennia Institute. made good friends there like rachel, amanda, kristin, etc. as long as they are in 08A1. :D
2)february- my first time going out with friends to watch movie.. really. im a mummy's girl. and im proud to be one. (:
3)march- finished poly enrolment which used 2 days to finish. >.<
4)april- my birthday, FOC (3rd-5th) and the start of my study on 14th in NGEE ANN!!
5)may- my first common test in ngee ann. ):
6)june- my first attachment of my course started on 15th.
7)july- he talked about getting a laptop for me. (:
8)august- this is the most fruitful month in 2008. nurses day, NDP ambassador, my first exam in ngee ann and i finally gotten my sponsorship and my laptop. (:
9)september- my attachment in NUH ward 55. met hazel, jasline and lili. ALL MY FAVOURITES! :D
10)october- 2nd time going out with friends to watch movie: High School Musical 3. :D
11)november- my 2nd common test of the year, results still acceptable. (:
12)december- being a first-aid at the standard chartered singapore marathon, my attachment in SGH ward 57 and i got an A!
finally done.
i had difficulty doing this because i have STM loss. hahas.
anyway, yup.
gotta go now. see ya everyone. (:
Sunday, December 28, 2008
so boring.
left hundred over words and that's it.
but i think it will be more than 700 words because there is alot to write.
this essay is like the CNP one but from 800-1000words.
both the same topic.
both also incident report.
it's really a waste of time to write a new one all over.
but no choice.
i cannot use back my old one because that's considered as plagiarism.
copy my own work. =.=''
has a HS delegates meeting on open house tomorrow.
so sleepy today. gotta catch a wink now. >.<
Saturday, December 27, 2008
supposedly i thought my CI would be so stingy or even bad that she might fail some of us, but because during the de-briefing, she said all of us (both shifts) did not do that badly to make her fail us (she sought consent from the ward sister to allow all of us to come in the morning and so to do individual evaluation and the sister allowed so that's why she was able to de-brief us).
so im still lucky. :D
she said i needed improvement on my 'emotions' because im scared and nervous easily.
the way how others say about the individual evaluation after they came back is like so scary because they said the CI will ask A LOT of questions. almost all regarding FON, like nursing diagnoses, nursing care of these patients.. =.=
okay. i really need help on that.
i get nervous easily. @_@
but nevertheless, i still got an A! mo matter what they think, i just want to say THANK YOU CI! :D
Thursday, December 25, 2008
so fast. it's another Christmas and 2008 will soon be over.
just came back from annabel's house..
and quite with a hungry stomach..hahas.
didnt ate too much because me and nana were shy. >.<
there's like ayam ponteh, ngoh hiang, fried rice, fried bee hoon, etc.
we stayed in annabel's room to hide from the eyes from her relatives.
then her church friends, kenneth and dorothy, came and we played monopoly after eating.
i didnt know that she's already an aunt with her nieces and nephews a few years younger than her.
then it's like so weird to hear that they call her auntie annabel. HAHAHA.
anyway, got my presents from them and i accidentally saw what was inside the wrapper that annabel gave me: it's a PIGLET!! so cuttttttttteeeeeeeee!!!!!! :D :D :D
hahas. thanks, girl! hope you like mine. :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
did 1 admission, remove 2 IVs, come in contact with 2 MRSA patients and the EN happily tell us that we dont need any protection gear. aiya, you scared then you wear lor...
so irresponsible.
it's us who are sponging the patient, not you. of course you can say anything. =.=
and anyway, saw our real CI today. luckily she came and inform us about the orange sticker beside the name and that is MRSA patient.
she's fine (probably she has hidden her fox tail -.-), not like how ting ting had described her.
she didnt had the time today because a student from Indon came for her attachment and she needed to give her ward orientation so she just said i just leave you all to do your things, later than i will come see you all.
how long is her later? i dont know and i dont care.
as long i did my work and that's it.
just dont let her find any things that can get a scolding from her.
im being very optimistic already because you know why?
the day after tomorrow is CHRISTMAS!!
going to annabel's house!! :D
Saturday, December 20, 2008
the first week of attachment is over.. and 4 more days left. ^.^
it's not as bad as i'd imagine.
maybe because my CI is on leave...
so the CI from ward 58 came down to 'help' us in some ways but i dont really like her because she has HIGH EXPECTATIONS and we feel so stressed with her beside us. :(
and her accent is like LBL. *shakes head*
luckily during that attachment in NUH, my CI signed competent for almost all except 3 core skills, so at least i can do other skills without worrying that i never do those havent signed as competent.
if not i will have a problem finding where she is because she's always missing. =.=
as my ward is general surgery (surgical), most of patients come and go. you cannot really know them and talk to them whenever you are free, so......... *sigh*
oh ya. i bought quite a number of Christmas 'presents'...i feel so guilty. >.<
spent around $150 over..
-treated my mum to Breeks($52.60)
-bought 2 wallets from The Wallet Shop($52.20)
-bought 2 personalized handphone straps for myself and my mum($38.60)
-bought a cardigan($15.20)
earnings are supposed to be spent right? :)
and also, common test results are out.
FON2: B+
AAP2: A+
CMBio: D =(
NSL1.2: B
anyway, got to go.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
heard from ting ting that my CI is like s***.
oh man. im starting to miss SN lili, SSN jasline and SN hazel from NUH ward 55. :(
but no point grumbling right?
just accept reality... :(
and also, it's only 9 days! :D
so just bear with it and it will be over... be optimistic. ^.^
anyway, looked at MeL just now and found out that my NSL1.2 result is also out.
it's like so lousy...a B.
so envious of siti's result: A.
so much difference. >.<
her brain is so much bigger compared to mine. LOL.
like what zannah said before exams, " havent change the memory card in my brain that's why i cannot remember. it's only 256MB so must change to 16GB." =.=
it's LOL but at least we have a good laugh before exams. :)
feel like sleeping before even stepping into that ward.
just hope it's only the CI's bad and not the other nurses.
give me hope.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
ngee ann is really 'good'.
i only missed one lesson due to common test and now they sent me this stupid warning letter.
how to go when im having my common test from 9-10am and my S&W is from 8-10am??
you mean i go for S&W until 8.45am then say that i need to go for common test so need to be released earlier?
might as well dont go.
haiyo. =.=
anyway, just checked MeL and saw my FON common test result.
still not bad. at least i passed: B+.
my mama said she dont mind as long as i passed. :)
good to hear that.
some of my friends werent that lucky.
though they passed with flying colours, their parents expect more from them and so got punished for having such lousy marks. and their form of lousy marks is like 27/30...
crazy parents right?
poor thing.
at least mine arent like that. :)
anyway, enough of that..
this year's Christmas is slightly different from last year's.
i went to buy a 150cm tree from Carrefour and some accessories for it.
and it looked nice. (okay, for a first-timer decorating it.)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
it was fun but of course tiring. i just feel sleepy... zzz
anyway, we went to ngee ann to get prepared for everything at about 8.30pm.
then they told us to either get a rest, watch movie or even night walk around ngee ann campus but were told to go back to that area before 1am.
the 3 of us chose to walk around ngee ann but then i suggested to sit in the middle of the road separating ba block and fms block.
it's like so fun to sit at that area as if we own that place...and because it's a slope so it will add on to the excitement and the wind is so damn nice and peaceful. we even took jump-shots with khai being our photographer... :) but too bad it's not so clear...

so crazy... hahas. anyway, that's how our t-shirt looks like. nice right? adidas. :)
then at around 12am i couldnt take it and i went back to the lecture theatre to catch a wink and they went off to somewhere nearby...when the time was about 2.30am, the buses came and we were ordered to get up the bus, group by group, we reached our place at around 3.15am. east coast is like so long...from one carpark to another need at least 5 mins. i was made leader because our dear leader never came...we were issued this pass or something...
ours are better off than the volunteers ones. they can only access to 1,2,7 while we can access to all numbers... LOL. this "medical" word makes me feel like a doctor... hahahs.
then we saw the first group of participants and they are not human at all. only 54mins had gone and they are already more than half of the full marathon which is 42.195km. immortals. who else? those africans. then slowly locals start to appear.....after like 1 hour? i saw some familiar faces like ling er, faiz, and a guy in kcc. but i never see pupu... then this whole thing ended at around 12pm and they told us estimated latest 4pm. there will be free lunch and transport back to ngee ann but there isnt. they bluffed us.....then we had to walk all the way from our carpark F2 to carpark E1. around 20km apart. and we walked.
then a stupid idiotic bastard ended up spoiling my day. my handphone battery was flat so i had to look for other phones that i can borrow to call my father the pick up point for me to board the car...then this bastard was like handphone can lend one meh? then i replied if not i pay you 10cents for the call i made lah.. then he was like not 10cents least 30cents. stupid idiot. it's not about money that matters. it's because i needed a phone urgently but he just wont lend. fcuker. there's still these fcukers around. he's like so afraid that i might run away with his fooker phone. idiot.
im like so damn pissed off now. because of that fooker. burn his asshole so the shit will just come out automatically. so angry now. >.<
Monday, December 1, 2008
finally finished the stupid literature review for nr!!
hate it lots! :(
that's why i slept late last night. broke my own record for sleeping that late.
4am. first time.
then i woke up at 8am to eat breakfast with my mama. then i couldnt take it; we went home then i went straight to my bed.
lucky im in the 2nd batch for my attachment so i can sleep as late as i want (not really).
if not i cant even rest after that lit review.
anyway, just came back from my cca, korean club..
they showed a movie: doremifasolasido?
i think the name is like that.
it's a touching story. :)
most of us cried because of the ending. >.<
and the guy is SO HANDSOME AND CUTE!! awww. baby face.
still got dimples. hahas. okay i know im crazy. lol...
then after that they finally showed us the new KCC committee.
everything is now confirmed.
and im very sad because i cannot be part of it.
i noticed that not only the one i mentioned in previous posts, but also the others in the committee are all so arrogant.
i kinda regret joining this cca..
oops, did i just say that? lol.
but anyway, it's true.
by the way, my attachment is 2 weeks later and i cant celebrate christmas properly, not that i did celebrate last year, but i just want to rest during christmas.
and this year i have this attachment going on.
never mind, i heard that the wards will be celebrating christmas as well.
so maybe i have to suck up to the staff there so i will have a good time during attachment and also during the festive season. lol.
okay. i got to go.
bye everyone. :)
Friday, November 28, 2008
it was okay and guess who i saw????
i freaking miss her man!!
it's been so long, since my attachment till now...
because dr ronnie (whom she called him ye ye) requested her to came back to help in medical support... :D
hahas. super happy... but i just hope i can see her on the day itself which i think wont happen because im like deployed to east coast park in area D... =.='''
so damn "near"...
they say east coast park is like 20km long... that's why are area D need at least 100 over first aiders (and im one of them)..
ya...but maybe i can camwhore with her in ngee ann 1st then we will set off to the place @ 2.30am on the race day (which is 7th december)? hope so. =)
and according to them, we will be getting an Adidas t-shirt, cap and a first-aid bag. they will claim back the items in it then we will keep the bag as souvenir.. -.-
we will be sleeping over in lt 76/77/78/79... practically that area lah.. =.=
ya. so it will just be a very tiring day because most probably the whole thing will end @ around 4pm. can you imagine leaving ngee ann @ 2.30am and only leaving @ 4pm??? :0
i havent finish my nursing research....
our lecturer is kind enough to change the dateline to this monday, 1st december by 5pm...
so which means i will have extra 2 days to finish this freaking damn research...
gotta go do now... >.<
TATA, everyone. :)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
pharmacology paper on tuesday and aap paper yesterday were fine.
at least i finished all within that hour. :)
BUT today's paper was a disaster!! >.<
i dont think i will do well in today's paper.
oh no........
but never mind, can finally relax until attachment which is like 3 weeks later.
so, which means next week is break time!!!
hahas. good luck to others in other courses...their common test is 2 weeks later... =)
i forgot.
there's still nursing research lit review to do which is to be handed in by tomorrow...
i just dont know how to write.....
you see what i mean???
cannot relax.
stupid. +_+
Monday, November 24, 2008
actually it's do-able. but there's a stupid question asking about the indications about the procedure.
they gave a picture of a human body, with only the nasogastric tube stuck in the nose, then the esophagus and the stomach. and that's all. nothing else.
so what to write? i only noticed that the tube is not long enough to touch the base of the stomach if not it will be hard to aspirate. it's just a picture and what they expect from us?
then 2nd part of the question is like asking us what are the nursing intervention before the procedure. stupid.
i was like wondering what procedure they are talking about because a NGT can have 2 different procedures like insertion or feeding.
and both procedures can have different nursing interventions.
*sigh* what to do? broken english. >.<
anyway tomorrow's pharmacology's turn.
honestly, i dont have any confidence.
oh. getting giddy now... @.@
Friday, November 21, 2008
firstly, RED camp is over and im happy because i dont have to demonstrate the colostomy care to the secondary schools students anymore, though it was fun answering their questions. =) this demonstration has also helped me to be more experienced in my presentation skills because i broke my personal record to present something to over 2000 people for the past 3 days. ^.^
secondly, I HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO GO TO HONG KONG!!!! woah. finally i can go overseas ever since i went to Bangkok, other than Malaysia, when i was primary 2..i cant wait man. though it's just a study trip, i heard that we are given some time to go shopping at night, i think. but nevertheless, i can finally stepped onto the ground of Hong Kong. =)
im really very lucky to be chosen because actually there are 2 groups to go to Hong Kong and i put my name under group 2. there are only 30 places for each group; 45 signed up for the 1st group and 60 signed up for the 2nd group. so can you imagine? 15 got rejected for the 1st group and 30 for the 2nd group. the rejected ones are able to form another study group. so do you think im lucky?? =D
lastly, i met all my friends whom i missed them lots! like siewjin, huiqi, cassandra, lynn, shafiq and soe han... i introduced myself to the crowd before i demonstrated the infant CPR then they were like saying, " we know, we know since 5 years ago." then i was like -.-'''... hahahs. i really couldnt remember what to talk later on.... hahas.. and too bad i didnt camwhore with them. =( i just hope they will come to ngee ann... =) *hey you all! come ngee ann can??? =P*
anyway, end of my happy story...
common test schedule for next week is like:
monday- NSL1.2+FON2
tuesday- PHARM1
wednesday- AAP2
thursday- CMBio
as for friday, i need to go for the operation briefing for the Standard Chartered Marathon that is on 7th december. so, in short, i will be busy, busy and BUSY!!! and also, any day during that week, will need to hand in the literature review for nursing research... I HATE IT!!! why cant we hand it in after our attachment or something? =( still need 800-1000 words. >.<
my happiness isnt going to help in relieving my stress im having right now..... LOL.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
anyway here are the questions:
1)How many texts are in your inbox?
20. just deleted some.
2)When did your last hug take place?
last night. with my bear. ~.~
3)Are you a jealous person?
not sure, you tell me?
4)Are you tired right now?
quite. just came back from red camp. +_+
5)Do you chew on your straws?
yes. itchy mouth....
6)Have you ever been called a tease?
nah, nope.
7)Do you like to cuddle?
yes. but im not telling. =)
8)Do you cry easily?
can say, yes. i cry easily when the shows make me cry.
9)Are you a heavy sleeper?
not really. but i will need someone to wake me up.
10)Where is your cellphone?
on my table.
11)Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
im not sure. waiting for 1.
12)Are you mad at someone right now?
13)Do you believe in love at first sight?Crush At First sight?
14)What makes you laugh no matter what?
hmmm. maybe when i think of jokes that are really funny. =)
15)Who was the last person you talked to?
my mum.
16)Name one person on your top friends who is most like you.
no one.
17)Do you get butterflies when around the person you like?
no, because i havent met mine.
18)Will you get married?
dont know. hope so.
19)When was the last time you smiled?
i always smile.
20)Does anyone, like you?
who knows? hahas.
21)Do you secretly like someone?
yes. 0.0
22)Who was the first person you talked to today?
you mean in school? if in school, siti. if at home, my mum.
23)Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
my mum. i confides almost everything with her.
24)What are you NOT looking forward to?
exams and tests. especially this coming common test.
25)Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
26)Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
i dont have one.
27)Are you a forgiving person?
quite. will see how first.
28)What’s something you really want right now?
a new handphone.
29)Do you fall for people easily?
hahas. yes, in fact, my expectations are low.
30)Have you ever fallen for your best friend ex’s ?
31.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?
cadbury hazel nut chocolate. =)
32.Have you ever kissed anyone named Michelle?
im not a lesbian. @.@
33.Who was the last person you drove with?
my dad?
34.How late did you stay up last night and why?
around 12am preparing for today.
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?
36.Do you prefer to call or text?
text. but if it's very important, then call.
37.When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
cant remember, i try to make myself happy. =)
38.Who took your profile picture?
39.Who was the last person you took a picture with?
40.Can you live a day without TV?
yes. if there isnt any nice programmes. >.<
41.Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
forehead. it gives me security.
42. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
43. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
zac efron. ^.^
44. How often do you see your ex?
like mentioned before, i dont have any.
45. Would you ever donate blood?
would like to but cant. =(
46. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
no. =(
47. Do you want someone dead?
im not that bad.
48. What does your last text message say?
nsl tomorrow is confirmed.
50. What are you thinking about right now?
dont know?
51. Do you wish someone was with you right now?
no. i like my privacy somehow.
52. What time did you go to sleep last night?
i thought i just mentioned? =.=
53. Where did you buy the shirt you’re wearing now?
bought it @ bibi & baba. that's my primary school pe t-shirt.
54. Is someone on your mind right now?
no. my mind's blank now.
55. Have you ever been in a hotel room with a friend of the opposite sex?
no. i wouldnt dare. hahas.
56. Who was the last person to text you?
57. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
yes. im proud to be a mummy's girl.
58. What are you listening right now?
59. Did you sing at all today?
yes, but when i sing, zannah will say it's raining. =.=
60. When’s the last time you cried?
last night. due to 不凡的爱.
61. Who were you with yesterday?
with my friends: zannah, fariana, annabel.
62. Do you miss anyone?
63. Who was the last person in your bed?
myself and my bear. AND that's all. =)
64. Have you ever drank with your number one
65. If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you?
i wouldnt say anything and i will blush. hahahahahs.
66. Do you want someone you can’t have?
yes!!! RAYMOND LAM!! >.<
67. When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
i dont have any.
68. Where were you at 2:02 am this morning?
in bed. where else????
69. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
hope so.
70. Do you want to tell someone something?
no. i rather keep it to myself.
ah. finally done. 70 questions!!! omg.
tired. but i did manage!!! ;)
anyway, tomorrow's 2nd day of red camp and i will be off for duty and not in class again..
tired of repeating the same procedure (colostomy care) again and again.
but i may change to infant CPR!!! just for a while but never mind at least i try to do something different. ^.^
i cant wait! (to be tired. hah!)
anyway, i saw cheryl choy (my leader for red camp 4, apache) and she remembered me!!! hahas.
then she was like oh! you really came to ngee ann!!
hahas. really happy to see her. =)
i also saw matthew and eugenie. hahas, happy to see them. ^.^
and i dont really see eugenie because she's having her prcp.
okay. i must rest well for tomorrow..
see ya peeps! :P
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
i just received a email stating that i've been missing classes lately...
they said it's SAWI.
i'd only missed once! =.=
it's because i was in the library accompanying them do their projects.
then by the time they had finished, it's already 4.20pm.
my lesson starts from 3pm-5pm.
so if we were to walk back to blk 73, it will take us around 5 minutes and maybe around 1 minute for us to walk up to level 3.
so they were thinking that we might as well not go for class because we were already late for class and that will be considered as absent.
anyway, i shan't miss classes again AND common test is coming!
fook. i havent had enough revision. >.<
shall go now.
see ya after common test, everyone.
TATA...... =) =) =)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
it's quite long since my last one.
a few things had happen but i will just briefly type... =)
i had my 1st training on monday for the demo for HS im gonna do on the 1st day of RED camp. i didnt manage to be a student leader for RED camp itself so i signed up under my school, HS. anyway, im gonna do a demo of something to do with jejunostomy or gastrostomy..
i had finally finished my SAWI project on tuesday before my touch rugby competition. handed in the soft copy to SafeAssign but will need to hand in the hard copy tomorrow during tutorial.
my practical test is also on tuesday, which i dont think i did well but luckily i passed. =D
my mind went completely blank when i stepped into the room. >.<
i went back to the requisite corner twice because i forgotten 2 things which i think that's where i lost my marks.. =(
lost terribly at the touch rugby competition and this cant blame me; im only a beginner, most of my team mates are new to this game and my opponents are all rugby players. so? you know. *shakes head*
i noticed that fu yang is having some problems. she appeared depressed after she failed her practical test. her condition seemed serious and in need of counselling. idk how to help her as a friend. =(
anyway, common test is coming in 2 weeks' time and i havent had my revision yet. oh no.
please dont go, time. LOL.
crapping away. -__-
gonna sleep now..TATA!! :D
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
my thigh muscles are aching like mad!!!
only both phyu hnin thet and i went for the training. because the rest backed out. :(
AND before that, we spent like 4 hours in the library???
our lesson ended at 2pm so we have to wait till 6pm...
i finally did my SAWI project but it's like very little, only a 100+ words of description. and we need not more than 300 words for it.
i feel so scared of doing projects now... maybe it's because they said you have to go according to the APA referencing if not will be considered as plagiarism......
anyway im starting to get the feel of the game..touch rugby.
i's similar to rugby but it's just that in touch rugby, when the opponent touches you, you have to put down the ball and move away so your teammates will get it and run forward.
but im still abit blur about how they play the game though i've played 3 games...
i think i have this fall-phobia.
im so afraid to fall..
because this game is on muddy ground, your feet can literally sink into the mud with just normal sports shoes. that's what happened to me. >.<
i cant really run well on those ground..i almost fell just now but they said you dont care whether you fall or not but just pass the ball quickly to your teammates nearby..
they said that this game is a fast one so cannot walk slowly... :(
i really need a pair of soccer boots but i dont want to buy a new one.
can anyone just lend me? :(
i only need it for next week.
please, anyone???
*sigh* i doubt anyone will lend.. =(
tomorrow's FINALLY the last day of this tiring week. another 8am..received another message stating that there will be nsl make up lesson from 8am-9am.
3 hours of nsl...
oh my.
but nevermind, we've survived 4 hours of it so 3 hours is just "easy-peasy"...
it will pass... =)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
all 3 days start from 8am.. then the other 2 days start at 9am.
mon: 8am- 6pm
tue: 8am- 3pm
wed: 8am- 6pm
thu: 9am- 7+pm (touch rugby training for polympics which starts at 6pm)
fri: 9am- 5pm
oh man. this timetable sucks.
tutorials before lectures which leaves you being SO confused...
you cant really catch up sometimes because the lecturers, thought we went through those topics, then he will ask us the questions that we havent learned yet. @.@
and, tomorrow's S&W again.
physical training again.... >.<
anyway i've always thought that nursing doesnt have maths in it. I WAS SO WRONG.
we are now asked to create either IV schedule or fluid schedule for the patients according to the doc's order.
all the formula and stuffs.
Monday, November 3, 2008
so boring. Annabel has invaded ADELE's blog! It is cold and noisy here in the games room, there's nothing like settling down with a bunch of friends! And btw peeps, Adele is no longer bored! =D I'm gonna post this before she notices.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
how time flies.
it's already the end of 3rd week coming on to 4th week since the start of school.
NSL practical coming on week 6 and common test on week 7...
oh no.
there's really not enough time.
SAWI's project isn't really that helpful either.
eating my time away as well..
must go to the place which i've chose for Singapore's economical and social development...
i chose Chinatown but i havent had any ideas to write.
anyway, i had an outing @ vivocity for my cca..
there's a korean flavour festival there so we all went there to enhance our knowledge of Korea.
reached HarbourFront mrt control station @ around 12.50pm...
but no one was there except xinrui and lyon.
so we just waited the after a few minutes, diyanah and some other people came...
went to Subway 'cause some havent had their lunch, we got two separate tables: xinrui and girls one table and diyanah, me, lyon and ding sheng another table.
we were gossiping about that girl (secretary of KCC, being so arrogant).
it seemed that no one like her even those in the committee.
im like damn happy...
@ least some other people agree what i say.... ^.^
then later we went up to level 3 for that festival....
ate some kind of korean ice-cream which really got me hooked up. >.<
it's coffee flavour and you have to break it into half so it'll be easier to eat.
i wanted to wear that hanbok!!! but the staff stopped me from queueing because there's already too many people queueing up... :( :(
then we watched a few performances by the Singapore Taekwando Federation and B-Boys (dont know who are they)..
the youngest performer is only 5 years old from the Taekwando Federation...
so cute!!!
he can already break those plywood they hold it for him....
surprsingly, music + taekwando = ?
hahas. that's their performance. :)
i reached home @ about 7.10pm..
my mum didnt nag @ me because i bought Anita Mui VCDs for her..
hahas. just right. :) :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
ooh! im one of them!!! ^.^
the last picture was the one that the board almost fell to the floor when i tried to take a photo with it...we were laughing like mad then there's like quite a number of people looking @ us as if we are some aliens or what.... hahas. had a fun time though. :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
the upcoming events:
~the Green Bazaar (29-31 oct)- help take care of HS games booth on 31 oct from 1-3pm
~parents' forum (15 nov from 9.30am-12.30pm)- helper but i dont know what to do. . .
~RED camp (19-21 nov)- helper but for HS not as a SL... :(
~Standard Chartered Marathon (7 dec)- first aid volunteer from 9pm (on 6 dec) to noon.
~Just Party (not confirmed)- a HS-only party. :D
~bonding camp (2D1N- ?Jan)- a camp just for yr 1 & 2 HS delegates
~Open House (8, 9, 10 Jan)- almost all HS students are involved.
~FOC 09/10 (7, 8, 9 Apr)- HS delegates are involved.
AND my birthday falls on the 1st day of FOC!!!! OMG.
i cant celebrate. :(
our advisors for HS society told us to publicize Dip in Optometry (OPT) during the Open House.
it's a new course in Apr 2009.
he said according to the standard in SP, the COP of optometry is around 12.
so most probably, our COP of OPT is AROUND 14.
and also, ALL students from OPT are invited to FOC because there's like only 40 students.
AHHH. more projects are coming up and not enough time!!! now it's already the end of week 2. and @ week 7 we will have our NSL practical test. 35%!!! so much. :(
im scared.
AAP, CMBio and PHARM are getting harder by the day.
i hate NR1!!! it's like so. . . . -.-'''
but luckily there's always NSL... ^.^
anyway enough of my rahh-ing, tomorrow's my mum's birthday..
Thursday, October 23, 2008
went to watch "tropic thunder" with my parents.
it's M18 and surprisingly, im able to watch... O.O
hahas. this movie's nothing much actually; it's not nudity or whatsoever, but it's just violence and some coarse language and it's a comedy.
so i just dont understand why they classify this movie as M18.
anyway i was buying the tickets and i asked the person to confirm if this movie is M18 and guess what she said? "yes, is there anyone not above 18?"
ooh, i didnt know she treated me as above 18.
do i look old that they treat me the age that im not? >.<
anyway while waiting for my parents to fetch me from school to vivocity, 2 girls approached me to ask if they are able to get a picture of me because they are collecting 200 faces for something that they didnt really mention when one of them explain to me.
all she said was that she assured me that she wouldnt vandalise or misuse my photo..
but never mind im happy that she said i look good in her photo.
(it's such a long time since anyone even say that i look good)
probably it's her camera that makes any person look good.
but im afraid that because her camera is so good (those pro Canon camera) that it can catch whatever it's on my face. =X
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
introduction -.-

Monday, October 20, 2008
i started @ dec 2006 and now, then my 100th post. >.<
a hundredth only.
only a word to describe me: slowpok.
okay, okay. im stupid.
anyway, i officially announce that im sick.
you can hear it from my voice BUT only those who really talked to me will then realise.
that's because there's a lot of insensitive people around, who just care about themselves.
am i right?
i want to watch movies but i noticed that there isn't a nice movie except HSM III...
any suggestions?
annabel said she booked me for HSM III with zannah and fariana..
then my mum has this 1-for-1 promotion from GV because she's a member and this month is her birthday. so i need another movie for me to watch...
ooh. i cant wait, i cant wait, i cant wait....
yeah baby, im crazy!!
so dont mess around with me... hahas. just kidding. :X
anyway tag me for any suggestions you have, k? THANKS ALOT! :D
Saturday, October 18, 2008
oh ya. just bought a bear from build-a-bear workshop @ suntec for my mum's birthday on this coming 25th and on 5th oct, my dad's birthday which is on the 15th, i bought a Liverpool FC t-shirt from Adidas and treated him to Fish & Co...
Friday, October 17, 2008
i'm so happy!!!
annabel was like gloating over zannah's unfortunate posting to a yet another medical ward in sgh.
but too bad, both of zannah's and my attachment falls between Christmas and we can't enjoy Christmas happily... :(
and lucky annabel and fariana... both are the 1st batch and they get to celebrate Christmas freely...i'm in the freaking 2nd batch again.
so boring. 2 weeks of break then 2 weeks of attachment then 1 week of break.
why can't i just be in the 1st batch like before i changed?
because i handed in the photocopy of the agreement of my bond with sgh then i changed from nuh to sgh, from 1st batch to 2nd batch. :(
but i'm glad that i'm in surgical ward..
surgical = no parameters!!!! (i'm not too sure about it, this is according to annabel.) ^^
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
just because i couldn't get slots in badminton because badminton is just too popular.
i reached the atrium @ 0745 and thinking that it will still be early, walked to lt 26 happily with zannah. when i reached lt 26, lots of people were there getting a tag for each sport and i freaking got netball as my choice.
i wanted softball but zannah told me to take netball instead so i just follow her foolishly. >.<
i was so indecisive because there were only softball, netball, swimming/life-saving, soccer and dancesport left.
so what to choose?
i thought tennis was available but too bad, i was late. :( :(
anyway, aap lecture totally rocks because dr ronnie is the one teaching. XD
his lectures are easy to understand and interesting by saying things that will make us laugh aloud. but though i still don't quite understand the neurons and stuffs but never mind, i think with dr ronnie teaching us, i think this will be a motivation for me. :)
then, we had our 1hr break @ canteen 1 and we walked back to the same lecture room where we had our aap lectures just now.
it was CMBio which is Cell & Molecular Biology in short, and our lecturer is mr rashid.
he's fine, but he acts a bit sissy so his lectures will be interesing for us to focus on this module, maybe?
you know the way of swinging your wrist in a way that sissy does?
he does that often in his lectures... it's like -.-'''
hahas. and so yup, that ends my wednesday. tiring. X))
Monday, October 13, 2008
first day of school is tiring because my brain is still in holiday mode.
but it feels so great to see my beloved again!!! :D
anyway, had 2hrs of nsl practical lessons first thing in the morning and our lecturer is ms chua wee khim.
the first impression of her is not that good maybe because we are new to her and she doesn't teach year 1s until this semester.
but she's good in a way that we can learn well under her.
she said she's straightforward but jessica thought she's sarcastic. hmmm.
anyway we chatted about our attachments, some good and some bad. (but i'm too lazy to type it all out. >.<)
then we had our first break and we went to megabites but it appeared that after 7 weeks of non-megabites-ing, people rushed there to have their lunch taken.
so it was bad luck for us not to have any seats there..
so we agreed to have our lunch @ the canteen opposite megabites instead.
it was also crowded but after 10 minutes or so, we found 8 seats and can finally sit down to eat peacefully..
next, we had FON lectures @ lt 50 and unfortunately, our lecturer is ms liang biling.
honestly, i don't like her.
she talks as if she's in tutorials.
it was so damn slow. she took 30 minutes for a slide. imagine?
it was so boring and i wanted to sleep but she called my name to answer her question.
and guess how many times she did that? 3.
she was asking some questions and it appeared that no one will answer then she called my name.
then the last time, i was sure that she was looking @ annabel but she called my name instead. she then said, " sorry adele, i can only remember your name."
i was so embarrassed to see the whole of my lecture group looking @ me as if i'm a freak or something........
but luckily lecture ended fast enough though it was after 2hrs of it.
aap practical was next but i'm so sad that dr may is not the one teaching's dr myat.
i actually had difficulty listening to his explanation of the chapter because we haven't had our lectures yet.
so those notes that he gave were actually greek to me. >.<
but anyway, his notes were as detailed as we wanted to have, so... lucky. :)
after that, we dragged ourselves to blk 56 for our NR1 (nursing research) tutorials and we had ms jayanthi as our lecturer.
it's boring, seriously.
but she said this module is very important because this is the pre-requisite for NR2 in year 2 and then NR2 as a pre-requisite for research project in year 3.
so, in short, without NR1, you cannot proceed to NR2 and subsequently, research project.
so meanwhile, we must perservere. >.<
then @ 6.30, i went to lt 73A for my cca, korean club.
it's great to see them again! :)
anyway, the recruitment for the committee members was on the 15th of september (1st day of my attachment) so i didn't manage to go. :(
then this girl, whom i shall not name but also in nursing, came to me to tell me that she's in the committee as a secretary.
it goes like this," hey adele, i'm secretary in kcc you know?"
my 1st reaction was like so?
why must you be so arrogant?
you get the chance but i don't so you are satisfied right? idiot.
but i just feel a bit weird sitting in the lecture theatre with loretta because i feel a kind of loneliness when i'm not sitting @ the committee area.
ahhh. never mind. i hope i can get in next year. there will always be a chance for me right? :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
time to make some more new friends.
i just hate the feeling of making friends..
it kinda makes you feels.....weird.
who knows these people can't be trusted?
i know i can't judge a book by its cover..
but i just don't know.
i wonder if they are gonna be like that tail in my class?
oh no, i hope not.
it'll be disatrous....
anyway, off i go packing my things for tomorrow...
see ya everyone. :)
ps. it's gonna be a long day.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
she's our patient in our cubicle for the past 3 weeks then she invited us to her house on hari raya but i couldn't because i felt sick...
apparently i feel that her house is jinxed for me.
i felt like vomitting whenever i say i want to go to her house. O_O
i was feeling exceptionally hot when we walked to her house (thinking that it's near the mrt station, so not neccessary to spend money on bus fare) and the weather is very hot so jiaxuan though it was normal..
then later in her house i felt cold.
i knew something was wrong with me...but i didn't bother because i agreed to have another outing with them...
then i got a 'scolding' from jiaxuan saying that i should be staying at home to rest instead of going to vivocity with them.
then i really thought about it when i took the train to jurong east.
i took the bus home in the end because i realised school is starting soon and i cannot afford to get sick.
but my mum didn't know about it when she called me to remind me to call her what time i'm going home.
i planned to give her a surprise....
when i reached home, i went to check my temperature.
and guess what?
my temperature's hot enough to cook my brains...
nah, okies. just exaggerating.
it's 39.4°C...
scared my mum out of her wits.. >.<
i knew i was hot but didn't expected it to be so hot.
then i can only rest at home and sleep...
actually the best part when sick is that you can just sleep on your bed and do nothing. really.
that's what happened to me.
whatever i want, my mum would get it for me.
anyway, just a few words to say..
"mums are the best in the world"
don't you think so? :)
by the way, my fever has subsided to 37.2°C so i'm back to normal again.
so i'll be back on monday preparing for school.
till then, bye. :)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
it was fun, though. :)
i slept @ 4.15am because we all went to watch DVDs in the house.
wolf creek and number 23 (which but we couldn't take it and finally slept).
it was quite scary to watch these 2 movies @ this time.
because my senior was talking about ghost stories earlier.
but luckily these 2 movies were only thrillers and wolf creek's a gory film so we could see all the blood and stuffs.
i'd still remembered one scene from it when the hunter hacked off his victim's fingers then you see the blood oozing out. O.O
hahas. sorry for those not into these gory movies, that's why this movie's M18. ^.^
anyway, we had bbq but the food is really not enough so we had to go a lil' hungry... >.<>.< maybe im just being arrogant. lol. but compared to Costa Sands or Aranda (both @ pasir ris), i'd sill prefer Chevron's. :) anyway, show you some photos to see how nice Chevron's is. ^.^
Monday, October 6, 2008
yup. i'll go get prepared for chalet later. :)
updates about chalet on next post. :) :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
mum: what's robin's son called?
me: robinson.
mum: correct.
mum: what's john's son called?
me: johnson.
mum: wrong.
me: then?
mum: john little.
@ 10.15pm
me: what's robin's son called?
mum: robinson.
me: yes, correct.
me: then what's john's son called?
mum: john little.
me: wrong.
mum: no?
me: it's johnson.
lame enough to let only yourself to laugh.
yes, the question asked @ 10pm was from my mum.
then i asked her the question @ 10.15pm.
then she was like -.- ...
hahas. we were laughing like mad. >.<
anyway, just being so random that my brain's gone rusty.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
show you a video to see how cute it is. :)
attachment really means attachment.
i mean i feel attached to the ward already. >.<
anyway, i received more photos from jasmine!!! but still not enough... :(
with hazel, our dear senior fr NP who graduated on apr '08..
the 4 crazy ones with our senior.
oh ya. not forgetting our patient, mdm ong @ bed 28. she's cute. :)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
honestly, i want to stay...
it's been 3 weeks and i've grown to like this place..
i will miss them like Jasline, Lilibeth, Hazel, Angelita, etc.
they are so fun!!!!!
it's not hard to actually work with them all....
getting apart is the most unbearable thing to do.
but never mind, i can still visit them if i have the time.
maybe i should go with kerr xing, jasmine, jiaxuan, wai and bryant.
i hope they will still remember us...
we took a picture with jasline, but only 1 is available because others were in jasmine's phone.

pretty? :P
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
i don't feel so well...
my itchy mouth.
i drank the milo which was prepared by my mum few days ago...
she put it in the fridge and i went to drink it, thinking it will still be fine.
then, things happen....
i vomited out everything when i went to bathe.
perfect timing, i should say.
at least i don't have to waste a plastic bag with my vomitus. :(
i really feel sick before vomitting.
should i be happy that my digestive system is working fast? XD
5 minutes after drinking and all came out. >.<
but of course, i feel much better after that..
slap my itchy mouth. +_+
plus, i don't think i can go to either siti or mdm timah's house for hari raya.
i can only rest at home so i wouldn't take mc on thursday.
disrupting my rest day if i have to replace thursday with saturday.
ahhh. i must go rest now... tata.
Monday, September 29, 2008
rest in peace
though her family members were mentally prepared,
they couldn't hold back their tears.
but actually it's a relief for her to go.
i helped to clean her up and dress her in her own clothes.
normally she will shout 'sakit' (which is pain in malay) when we try to clean or turn her.
but now...
when we cleaned her for the last time, she has no reaction..
she's only 55 years old.
not that old actually.
it took 10 minutes to confirm her death.
when we went in through the curtains around her bed,
the ECG still shows signs of life in her.
but when the doctor came in to see,
it's finally confirmed as the ECG went flat for 5 minutes.
then they told us to take out all the tubes in her and prepare to scrub her, literally.
but at least i overcame my emotion and i appeared strong enough to clean her.
i didn't shed a tear but i feel that my heart's crying.
i feel sad for her.
but never mind, people will eventually die..only determined by God.
hmmm. ya. i think that should be all for this post.
post again next time. :)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Singapore Grand Prix
actually there's nothing much about it.
is it worth spending the money watching a racing car zip by for only a second?
no, for me.
i'd rather watch it on tv. the camera will follow the car all the way...
what's the point of crowding around the circuit for something you cannot really see?
the only experience you get there is the noise you will hear when the car comes close.
you will be deaf by then.
it was so loud that i can even hear it from chinatown point where i was at that time.
though i wonder what's so great about this like world's 1st night race or what,
1 thing for sure is that this will make Singapore a country that every single person will recognise and not a red little dot on the map anymore.
it's quite cool.
i even heard from my mum that the Taiwanese are a little jealous of us because one said that they can also host this race in the night....
but anyway, why be jealous of us?
it's not that they will not have the chance...
it's just that we host it 1st...
yup. morning shift again tomorrow.
need to sleep another day. :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
payday! payday! payday!
tomorrow's payday, finally.
i can't wait for my account to grow.......
i can't wait to bring my mum to Hong Kong........
maybe i'm still dreaming.
tomorrow's only the 1st pay since the bond signing session.
there's still a long way to go.. :(
never mind.
attachment is getting better by the day...
it's not as boring as it used to be.
the nurses are really treating you as a staff there. :)
all my patients in my cubicle changed except for 2..
but luckily these new patients are not that bad.
they will actually tell you what's the problem with them...
build some rapport between us when we are free.
good idea, huh?
at least when you get scoldings or whatsoever, they will actually help you or something.
just to complain a little, MY LEGS ARE ACHING LIKE MAD!!!
i keep having spasms on my calf muscles.
my sole is so numb that i can't even feel anything.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
tears just can't stay in my eyes.
i feel that i'm so useless.
i cannot control my emotions..
this female patient died and we wanted to see how the last office (which we call post-mortem care) is done.
we went to the curtain-covered bed to observe the procedure but her daughter came in to ask if she can see as well.
the moment we said yes, she started screaming for her mother in tamil.
probably she said come back or why she left her in this world alone and all that....
she was like," Ma!Ma!......"
it was very sad.
then i thought about my grandmother who also died in NUH but in the renal unit.
my mum was also saying the same thing and she was also screaming and all.
because it was too sudden for her to die.
minutes ago, my grandma was thinking of the food she wants to eat after that, the next moment she started gasping for breath.
but the problem lies is that why the staff doesn't allow my mum to see my grandma for the last face.
anyway, i couldn't take it and i just broke down.
the teacher-in-charge of the year 3s came to console me to say that i should be emotionally-stable so i can can carry out the last office professionally.
if i cried like the way the family members cried, they will be feeling worse than that.
then i was left alone in the room, which i found to hide me from letting others know i cried, to think over what the teacher had said to me.
nursing is not my forte.
maybe i should change my career.
i shouldn't thinking about this.
i should persevere.
if all nurses were to think like me, i think singapore will be left with no nurses to take care of the patients.
i should have known earlier that i will meet this kind of situation the day i put nursing as my choice of study.
i must continue in this line so i can help more people.
i cannot think that i'm useless just because i cried because of this.
think about this.
aren't nurses humans as well?
humans do have emotions.
it's just that whether you can control it well or not.
i'm only bad in controlling my emotions but that doesn't mean that i'm not suitable for this job, right?
hope this will help me to persevere in this career. assure me. :l
Saturday, September 20, 2008
finally a REST DAY.
my feet are aching like mad.
some blisters even appeared when i tried to scratch my feet. :(
but there's something i should be happy about..
i've noticed that my blood pressure taking skills are getting better!! :D
apparently there's a patient whose pulse is difficult to take so both the pulse and blood pressure taking will be affected.
she asked why am i so slow in taking because i keep pressing her wrist for her radial pulse but i can't find her pulse.
then she indirectly said that i'm just a student nurse of course i will be slow in everythng.
actually it's quite demoralising.....
but anyway, i managed to keep her happy with my presence and she will even talk to me...
so it's improving. :)
but unfortunately, she is a MRSA patient so i can't touch her with my bare hands.
quite sad huh?
obviously she knows about it and she never said anything but i feel sad for her.
poor thing.
anyway back to the topic, now i can feel for her pulse so i'm happy, seriously.
by the way, our parameter taking timing used to be 1hr 30mins but now i used only 10mins and i'm done!
we even need the ENs to remind us the time to record the parameters but we don't need them now.
both jia xuan and i are getting the hang of it..
we even felt like carrying on though we are tired.
but all our lethargy will be erased once we hear the staff nurses saying thank you to you..
won't you?
a good motivaton as well.
let's hope this will carry on....
yup. anyway i should sleep early tonight because i really can't stand it.
wish me sweet dreams, yeah?
bye. :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
was attached to nephrology so this ward is always full.
some patients in my cubicle were really cute.
but those i talked to when i was bored during my free time were all discharged.
SUPER sad!!! :(
now still finding for new friends...... :x
apparently one patient cried today.
because she was complaining of the itch at her wound site, which is the access point for her dialysis up at her right clavicle.
she is allergic to micropore, primapore, opsite, etc. basically she is allergic to most of the adhesive tapes we have in the hospital.
what to do?
she can only suffer rashes around the area.
that's what the doctor said.
we were like changing her dressing, then she said she can't stand having the primapore on her site anymore..
but of course, to prevent any infection, we can only tell her that it's better if she suffer from rashes than infection.
all we, student nurses, can do is to hold her hand and try to console her....
it's quite sad actually.
i feel that sometimes we are restricted to a lot of things in the ward. but luckily we can still comfort the patients.
anyway, tomorrow's the 3rd day, i just hope that it will all go well.
yup and bye. =)
Monday, September 15, 2008
results... :(
AAP1- C+ (shucks!)
FON1- B+
NSL1.1- A
PAS1- a freaking D+!!!!!
must work harder next time.
stupid me.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
obviously, alot of people gathered around to see what's happening.
some kind soul even called the ambulance which came 5 minutes later.
yes, it's 5 minutes. fast, eh? surprisingly.
anyway this guy refused to cooperate with those paramedics to be pushed into the ambulance and he struggled but the belt at his waist held him well.
an uncle threatened to punch him if he still refused.
it took 3 men to stabilize and to push him into the ambulance.
10 minutes later, the ambulance stays put.
why? probably the guy is still struggling.
maybe they should inject tranquilizer into him so he could 'rest' until they reached the hospital.
the police was also alarmed.
20 minutes later, the ambulance's finally gone with the help from he police.
foolish guy.
so ends the commotion and others started to go away.......
typicahl singaporeans.
at least i'm not considered as one because i didn't go to take a look.
i just happened to be there eating my breakfast with my parents.
but as a nurse-to-be, i feel guilty not having to help the guy.
by the way, through this incident i realized that there's still some compassion amongst us and not only the kiasu-kiasi society we have always. don't you think so?
anyway i went to tiong bahru plaza to have my face treatment at new york skin solutions.
i saw this advertisement on tv and though it to be quite interesting so decided to sign up for it.
it's a free trial worth $100 but only for new customers.
it took at least 2 hours for this treatment i have. my mum has it as well because they said they have an extra voucher so my mum went for it.
it's my first time in one of their cubicles and we were separated from each other.
they told us to strip and to wear their 'tube-top' dress they hung it inside.
it's cold in there.
no, it's freezing.
after our treatment, we went to a room for the 'evaluation' of it.
the treatment feels so good. *nods head*
it's the branch manager who talked to us.
but i don't like it because she's like 'forcing' us to purchase their package.
it's $500 for 10 treatments. but we told her that we don't have so much money so we said no.
then she went on telling us to purchase another package which costs $300 for 5 treatments.
my mum actually doesn't want it because the money she has only limited amount of money for the whole of this month.
but in the end, we paid a deposit of $53.50 and i will pay the balance $267.50 on the 27th.
but though it's quite expensive for us, i think it's worth it.
but when my mum told my dad about this, he said i'm still a gin-na* (kid in hokkien) and my face is not matured.
darn him.
i'm 17. not 17 months old.
so now i know, he didn't give me pocket money all along because he thought i'm still a kid and i don't need money for myself.
i rather use my own money to pay the balance.
spare my ears, idiot.
my mum said he's always like that.
he rather spent money on cigarettes and not on us and even said that he's not a dollars printing machine.
then stop smoking, for goodness sake!
tired of saying this again and again, he just won't listen.
it's his life, not mine.
anyway, today's mid-autumn festival so hope everyone has a nice and wonderful day! =)
and i must go sleep now so i will have energy for tomorrow. =(
ps. hope this post is not too long. XD
Thursday, September 11, 2008
that incident has already passed for 8 years.
time flies like a rocket.
the impression of this incident is quite vague to me,
i was only 11 years old at that time.
i only knew that this incident led lots of people to lose their loved ones
causing them to grieve for 8 years.
sometimes i realy wonder if people will really grieve for their loved ones...
ah, never mind.
i'm crapping.
oh yeah, my attachment is coming.
it's next week, 15th.
exam results are also here.
i don't want 15th to come so quickly...
i dread exam results because i won't do so well. ~.~
haiz. no point dreading it because it will still come.
anyway, i went to the Coca-Cola Pte Ltd to collect my prize.
this is the football table i won in the Big Gulp promotion.

they call this 'mini'.
IT'S NOT MINI! it's as big as the table in my living room.
we were actually discussing the location to put this table as you know HDB flats are small so there's not much space for this "mini" table. -.-
Sunday, September 7, 2008
put your pictures and choose yuor favourite magazine cover to match with it...
so cool!! go find out at
just put any piccture you think you can upload. :)
here are some examples for you to see.. enjoy!!
(it does look like real magazines!)