Monday, November 24, 2008

FON+NSL common test is over.
actually it's do-able. but there's a stupid question asking about the indications about the procedure.
they gave a picture of a human body, with only the nasogastric tube stuck in the nose, then the esophagus and the stomach. and that's all. nothing else.
so what to write? i only noticed that the tube is not long enough to touch the base of the stomach if not it will be hard to aspirate. it's just a picture and what they expect from us?
then 2nd part of the question is like asking us what are the nursing intervention before the procedure. stupid.
i was like wondering what procedure they are talking about because a NGT can have 2 different procedures like insertion or feeding.
and both procedures can have different nursing interventions.
*sigh* what to do? broken english. >.<
anyway tomorrow's pharmacology's turn.
honestly, i dont have any confidence.
oh. getting giddy now... @.@

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