i feel like introducing my course to all of you out there...should i?
hahas. im currently looking for something to blog about..
yeap. maybe i should. okay guys, erm this may be a long post so be prepared yeah? :)
okay. as you all know, im in ngee ann poly health sciences (nursing), year 1.
actually you may ask why such a name, might as well say "nursing" just like nanyang poly, well, we are more into the research nursing, but theirs is more into the nursing nursing.
we have a variety of modules from nursing skills to life sciences to psychology to research and also to marketing. yes, marketing.
there is a module called creativity & innovative thinking skills (CITS), yes this is the one. you basically create any item but if it's related to healthcare, you will be awarded bonus points.
this module is taught @ year 1.1 (1st semester for year 1).
then you will also have this module called psychology & sociology 1 (PAS1) which is you know, psychology..you think @ the patient's point of view. then you can try to counsel them or something.
next, you will have this module called microbiology & infection control (MIC). this module allows you to 'make friends' with the very common bacteria and viruses names like E. Coli, MRSA, AIDS, Hepatitis, etc.
of course, you will learn about the anatomy and physiology of our bodies, which is just called anatomy & physiology (AAP1)(duh.) you learn EVERYTHING inside your body, from the integumentary system all the way to the organs and stuffs like (the guys would love it so much) reproductive system.. -.-'''
nursing skills laboratory (NSL1.1 & NSL 1.2). i simply love this module. you will really enjoy during these lessons because you do what a nurse do in the wards..like IV (the drip thing on your hand for liquid to flow into your blood vessels? yes. that's IV.) removal, bandage, oxygen therapy, taking blood pressure manually with that sphygomanometer (you pump up to a certain level then you release it slowly until you hear a sound then until you hear no more..), donning the PPE, etc.
then @ year 1.2, you will finally learn something to do with medicine which is pharmacology 1 (PHARM1). it's..of course something to do with medicine...the 5 rights like right patient, right drug, right dosage, right time & right route, all these stuffs.
then, nursing research 1 (NR1). this module is important, according to my lecturers. you will be introduced to research methodology and nursing research process. but i dont know what's this. >.<
finally year 2. ngee ann poly said our course doesnt need laptops because we will have PDAs. 0.0 yes. it will have a medical dictionary, disease & treatment guide or something, translator (even from dialect-eng ^.^), internet (of course) and other functions that a PDA has except for camera & phone functions...
okay. back to the topic, year 2 will have modules from nursing science 1- nursing science 4 (NS1-NS4). this is where you will have to recap those you have learned so far and consolidate the knowledge in caring for the patients with these diseases and disorders.
next, you will have pharmacology 2(PHARM2) with PHARM1 as a pre-requisite and you will learn how to classify the drug according to the disorder or disease the patient has.
NS 4 is interesting. you get to come in contact with infants; the care and stuffs.
another module that needs pre-requisite is psychology & sociology 2 (PAS2). it's almost the same as PAS1 but will be slightly different.
subsequently, when you proceed to year 3, you will have research project, life sciences elective which you will get to choose either clinical trials or drug discovery and also nursing management- you will get to be a leader! ^.^
@ year 3.2, you will be having your attachment for the whole semester which is what we call PRCP- pre-registration consolidation practice, before you can really be a registered nurse.
not to mention, we have NSL lessons and attachments every semester. yup.
anyway, with this diploma in nursing, you can simply CHOOSE any job you want and this is serious about that.
yeap. that's all about my course in ngee ann. hope to see those interested parties! :P
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