Monday, December 29, 2008
-i finished my FON essay
-i can have my afternoon nap after coming back from the meeting
-today is the 3rd last day of 2008
2 more days and it will be goodbye 2008, hello 2009.
so fast.
and we are getting older and older by the day. ^0^
okay, lets have a review of my 2008.
i will make it short because im lazy to type so much. (:
1)january- my job in Pan Pacific Hotel, PAE in Millennia Institute. made good friends there like rachel, amanda, kristin, etc. as long as they are in 08A1. :D
2)february- my first time going out with friends to watch movie.. really. im a mummy's girl. and im proud to be one. (:
3)march- finished poly enrolment which used 2 days to finish. >.<
4)april- my birthday, FOC (3rd-5th) and the start of my study on 14th in NGEE ANN!!
5)may- my first common test in ngee ann. ):
6)june- my first attachment of my course started on 15th.
7)july- he talked about getting a laptop for me. (:
8)august- this is the most fruitful month in 2008. nurses day, NDP ambassador, my first exam in ngee ann and i finally gotten my sponsorship and my laptop. (:
9)september- my attachment in NUH ward 55. met hazel, jasline and lili. ALL MY FAVOURITES! :D
10)october- 2nd time going out with friends to watch movie: High School Musical 3. :D
11)november- my 2nd common test of the year, results still acceptable. (:
12)december- being a first-aid at the standard chartered singapore marathon, my attachment in SGH ward 57 and i got an A!
finally done.
i had difficulty doing this because i have STM loss. hahas.
anyway, yup.
gotta go now. see ya everyone. (:
Sunday, December 28, 2008
so boring.
left hundred over words and that's it.
but i think it will be more than 700 words because there is alot to write.
this essay is like the CNP one but from 800-1000words.
both the same topic.
both also incident report.
it's really a waste of time to write a new one all over.
but no choice.
i cannot use back my old one because that's considered as plagiarism.
copy my own work. =.=''
has a HS delegates meeting on open house tomorrow.
so sleepy today. gotta catch a wink now. >.<
Saturday, December 27, 2008
supposedly i thought my CI would be so stingy or even bad that she might fail some of us, but because during the de-briefing, she said all of us (both shifts) did not do that badly to make her fail us (she sought consent from the ward sister to allow all of us to come in the morning and so to do individual evaluation and the sister allowed so that's why she was able to de-brief us).
so im still lucky. :D
she said i needed improvement on my 'emotions' because im scared and nervous easily.
the way how others say about the individual evaluation after they came back is like so scary because they said the CI will ask A LOT of questions. almost all regarding FON, like nursing diagnoses, nursing care of these patients.. =.=
okay. i really need help on that.
i get nervous easily. @_@
but nevertheless, i still got an A! mo matter what they think, i just want to say THANK YOU CI! :D
Thursday, December 25, 2008
so fast. it's another Christmas and 2008 will soon be over.
just came back from annabel's house..
and quite with a hungry stomach..hahas.
didnt ate too much because me and nana were shy. >.<
there's like ayam ponteh, ngoh hiang, fried rice, fried bee hoon, etc.
we stayed in annabel's room to hide from the eyes from her relatives.
then her church friends, kenneth and dorothy, came and we played monopoly after eating.
i didnt know that she's already an aunt with her nieces and nephews a few years younger than her.
then it's like so weird to hear that they call her auntie annabel. HAHAHA.
anyway, got my presents from them and i accidentally saw what was inside the wrapper that annabel gave me: it's a PIGLET!! so cuttttttttteeeeeeeee!!!!!! :D :D :D
hahas. thanks, girl! hope you like mine. :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
did 1 admission, remove 2 IVs, come in contact with 2 MRSA patients and the EN happily tell us that we dont need any protection gear. aiya, you scared then you wear lor...
so irresponsible.
it's us who are sponging the patient, not you. of course you can say anything. =.=
and anyway, saw our real CI today. luckily she came and inform us about the orange sticker beside the name and that is MRSA patient.
she's fine (probably she has hidden her fox tail -.-), not like how ting ting had described her.
she didnt had the time today because a student from Indon came for her attachment and she needed to give her ward orientation so she just said i just leave you all to do your things, later than i will come see you all.
how long is her later? i dont know and i dont care.
as long i did my work and that's it.
just dont let her find any things that can get a scolding from her.
im being very optimistic already because you know why?
the day after tomorrow is CHRISTMAS!!
going to annabel's house!! :D
Saturday, December 20, 2008
the first week of attachment is over.. and 4 more days left. ^.^
it's not as bad as i'd imagine.
maybe because my CI is on leave...
so the CI from ward 58 came down to 'help' us in some ways but i dont really like her because she has HIGH EXPECTATIONS and we feel so stressed with her beside us. :(
and her accent is like LBL. *shakes head*
luckily during that attachment in NUH, my CI signed competent for almost all except 3 core skills, so at least i can do other skills without worrying that i never do those havent signed as competent.
if not i will have a problem finding where she is because she's always missing. =.=
as my ward is general surgery (surgical), most of patients come and go. you cannot really know them and talk to them whenever you are free, so......... *sigh*
oh ya. i bought quite a number of Christmas 'presents'...i feel so guilty. >.<
spent around $150 over..
-treated my mum to Breeks($52.60)
-bought 2 wallets from The Wallet Shop($52.20)
-bought 2 personalized handphone straps for myself and my mum($38.60)
-bought a cardigan($15.20)
earnings are supposed to be spent right? :)
and also, common test results are out.
FON2: B+
AAP2: A+
CMBio: D =(
NSL1.2: B
anyway, got to go.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
heard from ting ting that my CI is like s***.
oh man. im starting to miss SN lili, SSN jasline and SN hazel from NUH ward 55. :(
but no point grumbling right?
just accept reality... :(
and also, it's only 9 days! :D
so just bear with it and it will be over... be optimistic. ^.^
anyway, looked at MeL just now and found out that my NSL1.2 result is also out.
it's like so lousy...a B.
so envious of siti's result: A.
so much difference. >.<
her brain is so much bigger compared to mine. LOL.
like what zannah said before exams, " havent change the memory card in my brain that's why i cannot remember. it's only 256MB so must change to 16GB." =.=
it's LOL but at least we have a good laugh before exams. :)
feel like sleeping before even stepping into that ward.
just hope it's only the CI's bad and not the other nurses.
give me hope.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
ngee ann is really 'good'.
i only missed one lesson due to common test and now they sent me this stupid warning letter.
how to go when im having my common test from 9-10am and my S&W is from 8-10am??
you mean i go for S&W until 8.45am then say that i need to go for common test so need to be released earlier?
might as well dont go.
haiyo. =.=
anyway, just checked MeL and saw my FON common test result.
still not bad. at least i passed: B+.
my mama said she dont mind as long as i passed. :)
good to hear that.
some of my friends werent that lucky.
though they passed with flying colours, their parents expect more from them and so got punished for having such lousy marks. and their form of lousy marks is like 27/30...
crazy parents right?
poor thing.
at least mine arent like that. :)
anyway, enough of that..
this year's Christmas is slightly different from last year's.
i went to buy a 150cm tree from Carrefour and some accessories for it.
and it looked nice. (okay, for a first-timer decorating it.)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
it was fun but of course tiring. i just feel sleepy... zzz
anyway, we went to ngee ann to get prepared for everything at about 8.30pm.
then they told us to either get a rest, watch movie or even night walk around ngee ann campus but were told to go back to that area before 1am.
the 3 of us chose to walk around ngee ann but then i suggested to sit in the middle of the road separating ba block and fms block.
it's like so fun to sit at that area as if we own that place...and because it's a slope so it will add on to the excitement and the wind is so damn nice and peaceful. we even took jump-shots with khai being our photographer... :) but too bad it's not so clear...

so crazy... hahas. anyway, that's how our t-shirt looks like. nice right? adidas. :)
then at around 12am i couldnt take it and i went back to the lecture theatre to catch a wink and they went off to somewhere nearby...when the time was about 2.30am, the buses came and we were ordered to get up the bus, group by group, we reached our place at around 3.15am. east coast is like so long...from one carpark to another need at least 5 mins. i was made leader because our dear leader never came...we were issued this pass or something...
ours are better off than the volunteers ones. they can only access to 1,2,7 while we can access to all numbers... LOL. this "medical" word makes me feel like a doctor... hahahs.
then we saw the first group of participants and they are not human at all. only 54mins had gone and they are already more than half of the full marathon which is 42.195km. immortals. who else? those africans. then slowly locals start to appear.....after like 1 hour? i saw some familiar faces like ling er, faiz, and a guy in kcc. but i never see pupu... then this whole thing ended at around 12pm and they told us estimated latest 4pm. there will be free lunch and transport back to ngee ann but there isnt. they bluffed us.....then we had to walk all the way from our carpark F2 to carpark E1. around 20km apart. and we walked.
then a stupid idiotic bastard ended up spoiling my day. my handphone battery was flat so i had to look for other phones that i can borrow to call my father the pick up point for me to board the car...then this bastard was like handphone can lend one meh? then i replied if not i pay you 10cents for the call i made lah.. then he was like not 10cents least 30cents. stupid idiot. it's not about money that matters. it's because i needed a phone urgently but he just wont lend. fcuker. there's still these fcukers around. he's like so afraid that i might run away with his fooker phone. idiot.
im like so damn pissed off now. because of that fooker. burn his asshole so the shit will just come out automatically. so angry now. >.<
Monday, December 1, 2008
finally finished the stupid literature review for nr!!
hate it lots! :(
that's why i slept late last night. broke my own record for sleeping that late.
4am. first time.
then i woke up at 8am to eat breakfast with my mama. then i couldnt take it; we went home then i went straight to my bed.
lucky im in the 2nd batch for my attachment so i can sleep as late as i want (not really).
if not i cant even rest after that lit review.
anyway, just came back from my cca, korean club..
they showed a movie: doremifasolasido?
i think the name is like that.
it's a touching story. :)
most of us cried because of the ending. >.<
and the guy is SO HANDSOME AND CUTE!! awww. baby face.
still got dimples. hahas. okay i know im crazy. lol...
then after that they finally showed us the new KCC committee.
everything is now confirmed.
and im very sad because i cannot be part of it.
i noticed that not only the one i mentioned in previous posts, but also the others in the committee are all so arrogant.
i kinda regret joining this cca..
oops, did i just say that? lol.
but anyway, it's true.
by the way, my attachment is 2 weeks later and i cant celebrate christmas properly, not that i did celebrate last year, but i just want to rest during christmas.
and this year i have this attachment going on.
never mind, i heard that the wards will be celebrating christmas as well.
so maybe i have to suck up to the staff there so i will have a good time during attachment and also during the festive season. lol.
okay. i got to go.
bye everyone. :)