Thursday, June 26, 2008

4th day of attachment...i prefer kwong wai shiu hospital to toa payoh schcc...
it's BETTER!! :(
got my results of all the other modules...
2 Bs and 1 C.
MIC ( which i thought i couldn't handle it.. XD )- B
PAS- C :( :( :(
i thought i would fare better for PAS because i like that subject more..
anyway i should study harder on the way to MY SPONSORSHIP!!!
i must really study harder.. this kind of results is a no-no... :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

attachments finally started! actually i don't really look forward to it..
reached kwong wai shiu hospital at 7.45am when we are supposed to only reach there at 8.30am. but no choice because my father sends me there.
anyway, duh. the person-in-charge came to acknowledge us at 9am.. i didn't know this hospital is not governmentally-funded until they told wonder the hospital is so small. lol

results are out!!!!!!!

i only saw the results of FON.. BUT I'VE AN A!!!!! delighted... ^^
but i saw my friends getting A+... :(

wonder where the results of other modules??

Sunday, June 15, 2008

these are the pictures i took when we went to the goat's farm. 1st time stepping into a local goat's farm. moreover it's Father's Day so thought of celebrating it differently. came back from the fundraising event held by Heartware Network . we were to wash cars at National Institute of Education. but the place is too remote that only 5 cars came in the morning. i wonder how's the afternoon shift? anyway my father then drove us to the goat's farm because it's near the place. hmmm. how should i say? it's fun but the smell is horrible. hahas. lol. but they will stick out their heads out for you to pet them and i noticed that their fur will come in different direction so it's quite difficult for you to caress their heads. :) bought goat's milk even. the big bottle one is $7, medium-sized bottle is $2.50 and the small bottle is $ parents bought the $7 one because the others have sold out. it comes in pairs which comes in a styrofoam box with ice in there so it's $14. but if you were to order it so they will deliver to you, then it will cost $16. so it's cheaper. yupp.
anyway we planned not to go to restaurants to eat because its said to be EXPENSIVE!! :( i want to go seoul garden... but never mind, had Ampang yong tau foo. *drool* lol.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

terrible mood swings nowadays. wonder what's wrong with me? i feel so sensitive to everything around me. fed up mainly. i'm vulnerable as well.. oh no.. why? :(

Thursday, June 12, 2008

my mum bought me a Sony mp3. she said she loved this at 1st sight. that's the cost is $75 at Sony Style then she asked me whether i want it or not. y not? i mean.. of course. right? :) but i'm surprised for sure.. ignorance is bliss. :P

Monday, June 9, 2008

fcuk. i'm so pissed off today.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

my parents spent $95 on the alteration of my uniform. i spent $107 buying my uniform. so any difference? though my uniform are all custom-made, the sizes are terribly big i tell you. i look like a pregnant woman... it's too wide and long. i wonder how that stupid auntie, from the tailor that made my uniform, take my measurements? if it's good enough, i wouldn't want to alter my uniforms right? i bet she's too old that she can't even see the number on the measurement tape. WTF.

Friday, June 6, 2008

i have difficulty getting them to buy me a laptop. i want a small one which costs about $798, i'm even saving money for them... a normal one costs around $1000+ so a $798 is not that bad after all about 20% off... sometimes i wish i can go back to be a baby so i won't get so frustrated about the way of getting all those electronic gadgets like laptops and handphones. he just don't know that i don't need so much money for myself. i'm 17, for goodness sake! NOT HE THOUGHT TO BE 17 MONTHS! idiot. whenever we talked about money matters or his family matters, we will eventually end up quarrelling. waht's the problem with him? he don't understand that i need money as much as he does! how i wish i can get my sponsorship now so i will have money to buy myself a laptop. envious of khai who has his own money to buy one for himself. i don't have pocket money from him even!

can anyone just teach me how to save money??

i say this first, i don't have extra money to save it to my piggy bank. for example, my mum gives me $10 one day then i must use it within 2-3 days. so i will have $10 for 2-3 days when i go to school. but if i don't go to school, i will not have any money from them.

please leave your message at the tag board. thanks.. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

common test is over!! woot!! :D
finally...but now waiting for clinical attachment to start..
Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital on 23rd-24th june.
Health Promotion Board on 25th june.
Toa Payoh Senior Citizen's Health Care Center on 26th-27th june.
Toa Payoh Polyclinic from 30th june- 4th july.

will be in for a busy time during my holidays. (only 2 weeks) :'(

Monday, June 2, 2008

i saw 2 guys tapping 3 cards at the same time when i'm in bus 52. my 1st thought was that they're from some tour agency so will have tourists in the bus. but i noticed that they tap their cards at every bus stop. i saw 1 of the guy's neck hung some identity card which states that they work for Land Transport Authority. but the thing is that both guys are wearing school uniform from some sort of secondary school... I"M BORED... >_<

Sunday, June 1, 2008

had pizza cravings for so long. finally..a bite into the Hawaiian pizza is fantastic!! XD
hahas..long time since i had it. 1 year? maybe. (: